About Us

Working With Us

Would you like to work with us? We welcome you here.

The process of working with GNA begins with submitting your duly-filled application form. Once we receive your application, we will ask you about your goals and visions. And we’ll look into your background and qualifications. After verifying the details, we will schedule an interview with you. It may have various phases depending on the job role. To enrol yourself with GNA, you may have to provide a few pieces of information regarding yourself.

  •  Resume with contact details
  •  Bank account details
  •  Age proof documents
  •  TFN or Tax File No.
  •  Current working visa
  •  Copy of required licenses
  •  Address proof documents

We would love to have you on our team and assure to provide resources to build your career successfully. You’ll learn and grow with us.

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